Bloom Report – June 8 2024

The Gardens are having a spectacular spring bloom, which will soon morph into a lovely summer bloom!

  • The rhodos have been a huge highlight, along with the laburnum and wisteria arbours. Visit soon to catch the last of their bloom seasons.
  • The peonies are opening and will be a highlight for the next week or two, and the Mountain Laurels are starting to open.
  • Our unqiue Fringetree is well worth a visit, and nearby, our Chinese Tulip Tree is in bloom. The kousa dogwoods will be a highlight for the next few weeks as well.
  • The Courtyard is a highlight with the last of the laburnum, along with the fuschia of the Nova Zembla rhodos, the blues of the Siberian Irises and the bright white of the Snowflake Viburnum. And in the pond, irises and water lilies.
  • Other current highlights include horsechestnuts, enkianthus, allium, hawthorn, viburnums and lots of perennials.. the list goes on!
  • The roses are already starting to bloom. Peak rose season will likely be late June.

For detailed visitor information, hours and rates, please visit

Some of the highlights…

For the full Bloom Report, including all the pictures and news of the moment, please click HERE!