Spring Cleanup Week – Apr 22-26

Join the 2024 Historic Gardens Spring Cleanup efforts April 22-26 (Mon-Fri) 9am-4pm. A community tradition, the first “Spring Clean-up” at the Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens occurred in April 1987. Decades later, the Gardens Clean-up has expanded to a multi-day event.

Typical shifts are 9-12 or 1-4 each day. Volunteers can work several shifts during the week, or if you only have an hour to give, we’d love to see you regardless! It makes a great family outing – an opportunity to work outdoors with your kids and teach them the value of volunteering at the same time.

As one volunteer stated “What a wonderful opportunity it is to volunteer for Spring Clean-Up at the Historic Gardens! Not only does it feel great to be able to give back to this most beautiful corner-stone of our community, but it’s a fantastic learning opportunity too.”

Further information on the Clean-up can be obtained by calling the Gardens office at 532-7018.